Coral RB Dip

Coral RB Dip


Treatment for protozoans and bacterial infections
We have formulated a three part treatment for corals suffering from: Brown jelly, polyp bail out and brown band disease.

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SKU: MEGA-SHOE-11768-1-1-1-1-1-1-2-1-1-1-1-1-1-3-1-1-1-1 Categories: Tag:

Product Description

Product Details

PlanktOnyx Coral RB
Coral Resuscitation and Bloom
Treatment for protozoans and bacterial infections
We have formulated a three part treatment for corals suffering from: Brown jelly, polyp bail out and brown band disease.
The dipping system will kill off: sp. Of flatworms, ciliates, nudibranches, bacterium as well as tissue necrosis.
Dip Part A: 3 ml to 5 L of tank water (dip) aerate the dip to allow the mixture to reach all parts of the affected corals. Dip for 5
minutes. Do not exceed this time.
Dip is Harmful to Pets. Not for human consumption. Dip is harmful to fish.
Before dip B rinse the coral in DI-RO water. Make sure the DI_RO water matches the temperature of the tank water. And just
rinse don’t leave coral in Di-RO (this step is optional to remove dip A), swish the coral in the water to remove content of dip A.
Dip Part B: 6 ml to 5 L of tank water dip for 5 minute. Do not exceed the time.
If contact is made with your skin, rinse off in cold fresh water may cause irritation that will last a few minutes.
This product is harmful to pets and is not for human consumption.
Best would be to place the affected coral in a new tank (coral quarantine) for healing. (optional)
Medication (part C): can be used in dip form 10ml to 5l of water, but we recommend in tank treatment to prevent reinfection.
In tank treatment: is 3ml for every 200L of tank water.
The Part C: is a medication that kills off protozoans that cause brown band or brown jelly, as well as tissue necrosis.
This product is for the use in ornamental aquariums only and not in aquariums used for fish farming.
This product is not for human consumption. Seek medical advice when consuming.
Part C should be kept refrigerated, Part C is reef safe.
Tips : best to look for early symptoms of brown jelly disease in Euphiliya, sps and other stony corals.
When a coral is melting (brown jelly ) or has a polyp bail out and you can frag the affected part away, it will help with the
recovery. Remember that some corals will be too far gone sometimes to make it (skeleton might already be filled and eroding
due to the infection.)
Symptoms to look for:
⮚ Coral not fully opening.
⮚ Flaking off of jelly on the stem or lifting.
⮚ Tentacles have bleach marks on them.
⮚ Shrivelling up of some tentacles.
⮚ White/ brown slime coming from the mouth.
⮚ Broken tips of tentacles, and brown jelly inside tentacles.
⮚ Protruding up or opening wide of the mouth.
Things to check before doing anything are your tank parameters.
We highly recommend Quarantining of all new additions you want to add to your aquarium common introduction to these
parasites, bacteria, protozoa, polyclads and polychaetes .All these are easily transferred to your reef aquarium when you
don’t follow the correct protocol can come in on corals, rock, frag plug, and other invertebrates.

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